Each archive contains the following sections: General, YouTube, Write-Ups, Tweets, Podcasts, and Miscellaneous.
As I come across a relevant piece, it will be added.
Happy perusing.
Last Updated: 06/03/22
Ticker: BSM 0.00%↑
Value Investor’s Club: September 2020, March 2020, July 2016
Black Stone Minerals: Undervalued, 10% Yield Haynesville Natural Gas Play (Josh Young)
Shrub’s “Corner of the FT” analysis!
$BSM is my largest oil position. It’s a nice & boring Trust and pays me a fat dividend.
Current divi yield is 8% but I think has potential for higher distributions.
If I’m right, could see 40-80% upside.
If I’m wrong, I make 8% div/year
You know who the koala misses, & never got a chance to connect IRL with before they disappeared from this platform...Phantom
Convinced the koala to look at $BSM
Koala reads this K-1, it thinks how much easier but less profitable life would be right now if it hadn't bought BSM
Koala asked me this before posting the below tweet and I said the five I would buy for my parents are:
Yellow Lab Life Capital @YellowLabLife